Lalita’s originals are created in a painstaking and multilayered process that begins with the inspiration of an image that is embraced in memory and compels to paint it.
Each piece of original art begins with a sketch in pen and ink on rice paper, then adding paint in glorious color, trying to evoke the essence of the experience, the essence of place and to capture it on paint and paper.
Sometimes the painting is ripped into pieces sometimes it is left whole. Torn pieces of the image come together again puzzle like over a canvas and by adding pieces of hand stained papers the image slowly comes back into focus.
I spend weeks dying or staining archival papers to achieve a full range of colors to allow the “painting with paper” process.
The completion of the painting then takes time to really see, to absorb, to refine and clarify and finally, to add multiple layers of varnish to seal and protect the surface of the painting.